A Letter from our Pastor, Bob Crowder.
As I said in my letter of June 7, 2020, “It has been a long and trying journey for our church as the COVID-19 pandemic became a reality in our Central Texas lives.” We stopped having live services on March 15th, restarted on June 7th and stopped once more on July 5th due to increased concerns from both state and local governing powers.
As followers of Christ, His Church, we are to show and have fellowship with fellow believers. We are meant to be together, to learn, to worship, to pray for each other, and to encourage each other. We are preparing to have in-person services again. We have been diligently working on a phased approach for a safe and meaningful reopening that will honor the CDC’s, state and local recommendations for social distancing and best health and safety practices. We are excited to begin Phase2.
Join Us Live on August 2, 2020!
[NOTE] this plan is contingent on “NO” lockdown announcement from Governor Abbott or Judge Blackburn’s offices.
We will continue to abide by state and local authorities as they set guidelines for gatherings and churches. We will be observing all “social distancing” standards and ask that, when we assemble together, we adhere to a “no contact” policy.
Sunday School
Sunday School begins at 9:30 AM
- Adult classes: During Phase2, we will have one combined Sunday school class beginning at 9:30 AM. This will be held in the Family Life Center, with plenty of seating considering social distancing.
- Student Ministry (middle and high school students): The youth will meet in their assembly area.
- Children: Pre-K through 6th grade will meet in their normal classrooms.
- Nursery: will be provided
Worship Services
We will assemble for Worship services at 11 am. There is no need to reserve a seat; simply show up!
The sanctuary will be cordoned off, making available approximately 120 seats to allow for social distancing.
We will not be taking the offering in the normal way, instead there will be offering plates on tables as you enter the sanctuary and in the Family Life Center for you to give your tithes and offerings.
Worshipers will be asked to dismiss by rows and sections. This will be accomplished by the Deacon Fellowship and Safety Team.
We will continue to live stream on Facebook the 11:00 AM service for those that do not wish the exposure.
Children’s Church
Safety Protocols for Children’s
We are excited to be reopening Children’s Church, 1st to 4th grade during the 11 am service.
To keep our environment safe and fun while helping your child(ren) grow in their relationship with Jesus, we will all have responsibilities!
Our Role: We will be practicing the state guidelines for reopening and protection, including:
- Health Check for every child and ongoing vigilance for symptoms.
- Using caution and care in our interactions and increased hygiene and sanitizing procedures during class and between services.
- Health and temperature checks for all staff and volunteers before engaging in ministry.
Please note: Full Face Masks for volunteers will be required.
Lakeview’s Role
- Our volunteers (ushers, greeters, etc.) will be practicing “social distancing”, wearing masks, and ensuring safety precautions are followed.
- Doors will be held open by volunteers.
- Hand sanitizer will be available at every entrance; restrooms will be sanitized regularly.
While we would love to see each of you in-person, we know there are some limitations that may prevent you from attending. If you find yourself in one of the following categories, please consider continuing to worship online if:
- You are at risk or have a compromised immune system
- You are sick or have been around anyone that has been sick
- You have small children who find it difficult to stay in a seat through a service.
- You are pregnant
- You are more comfortable worshiping at home
Whether or not you are able to return to physical gatherings at this time, the most important thing is that we stay spiritually and relationally connected as a church family — in person or online!
The Future
This is Phase2 of Four phases. Therefore, many things that the church has offered in the pre-pandemic time, will not be offered during Phase2:
- No choir (Phase3)
- No on campus Sunday or Wednesday evening services (Phase3)
All announcements going forward will be made on Facebook, the website (lbcbelton.org), “Lakeview Live” and through Realm. I notice that many have not completed signing up on Realm. Please take the steps to set up your account today so that you can be fully informed on all LBC announcements.
Your Role:
Health Check – Please help us by doing the following:
- Take your household’s temperature the morning of check-in to confirm your temperature is under 99.9. (We will have thermometers available on site if needed.)
- In the last 12-14 days, has anyone in your household:
- Had a fever (over 99.9)?
- Had respiratory or flu symptoms, sore throat, or shortness of breath?
- Tested positive, been waiting on results, or been around anyone diagnosed with COVID-19?
(If you answer yes to any of the above, please enjoy our online worship option.)
The best way to demonstrate the love and grace of Jesus is to serve one another in love and consider others’ needs and preferences more than our own.
We would encourage you to “walk in grace” as you encounter any roadblocks or challenges during Phase2 as we are all in this together and doing things we have never done before.
We will continue to offer services on Facebook for anyone who has limitations (health, age/stage of life, etc.)
Pray for our church, community, and country as we work together with local, state, and national leaders
Thank you for your support and I look forward to seeing each of you for “Phase2” on the 2nd of August.